Search a database of over 30M companies worldwide with advanced firmographic filters.
Use advanced filters to find the right companies.
Access comprehensive data from millions of companies.
Our scalable API effortlessly meets demands of any volume and speed.
Searches companies based on given criteria.
Define exactly what you’re looking for by setting filters like industry, location, revenue, employee size, and more.
Our API finds the best company profiles based on your criteria. Choose how many results you want, from one match to the whole dataset.
Try for Free• 30M+ company data • 150M+ contact data • Daily data updates
Instantly enrich, search or filter your data with comprehensive company profiles, employee information, and real-time updates.
The Company Search API allows you to search and filter a global database of 30+ million companies using firmographic attributes like industry, location, employee count, and revenue.
You can filter companies by countries, number of employees, annual revenue, founding year, industries (based on NAICS codes), and category to find the exact profiles that match your needs.
The API includes a wide range of industries, from technology and finance to manufacturing and retail, ensuring comprehensive coverage for various use cases.
Our data enrichment API combines top-tier data aggregation with monthly updates, ensuring reliable and fresh insights. Whether you’re enriching leads or maintaining a dynamic database, our API is built to scale with your business needs.