Instant NAICS Code Lookup by Company Domain.
Enter a company domain and get its NAICS codes now.
Retrieve the correct NAICS code for any company domain in seconds.
Access comprehensive NAICS codes for businesses across the world.
Get results in milliseconds with
near-perfect accuracy.
Enter any company domain below and get its NAICS codes.
Our NAICS Company API offers unlimited requests and seamless integration for developers,
analysts, and businesses automate and streamline industry classification tasks.
Already have a high-value customer? Use their profile to find similar companies.
As of the 2022 NAICS update, there are 1,057 official 6-digit NAICS codes.
With Company Enrich's NAICS Company Lookup and API, you can retrieve accurate codes
for any company by simply providing its domain – free forever.
A NAICS code is a 6-digit classification code used to identify and categorize businesses based on their industry. It’s widely used for statistical analysis, reporting, and industry segmentation.
The NAICS API is a tool that retrieves a business’s NAICS code by simply providing its domain. It helps developers, analysts, and businesses automate and streamline industry classification tasks.
Our system uses a comprehensive and regularly updated database to ensure high accuracy. However, it’s always good to verify for critical use cases.
The NAICS Company API has no rate limits, meaning you can make unlimited requests regardless of your plan. Whether you’re on the free plan or a premium tier, you can request NAICS code as much as you need.
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